
What is the full form of computer? || What is computer ?

  COMPUTER Computer  is  not an acronym , it is a word derived from a word "compute" which means to calculate. So, in simple words you can say that computer is an electronic device which is used for fast calculation. Some people say that COMPUTER stands for  Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research . It is only a myth because first this definition does not make any sense and second when the computer were invented they were just calculating machines which needs a lot of space for establishment.  "A computer is a general purpose electronic device that is used to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically. A computer consists of a central processing unit and some form of memory." COMPUTER = Arithmetical Logical Unit (ALU) +  Control Unit (CU)   ALU : Arithmetic Logical Unit is used to carry out arithmetic and logical operation. CU : Control unit is use...

what is a Blog ? II TECHNO-MMG II

What is a Blog? A  blog  (“weblog”) is an informational and regularly updated website consisting of articles, blog posts, published in reverse chronological order. A blog is a website that regularly updated with new articles, or blog posts, that are typically written in an informal or conversational tone of voice. A blog, or blog post, is a piece of content on the internet that has been published over time to inform readers. Blogs are usually written by one person for an audience who finds them interesting and wants to read more about the topic at hand. This article will answer all your blog-related questions. What is a blog? A blog is a website where people can post articles, pictures, and other types of content. People usually start blogs to share their thoughts or ideas with the world. Blogging can be a great way to connect with other people who have similar interests. Additionally, blogging can help you improve your writing skills. If you're interested in  starti...

Steps for making Blog .

  Best 5 Proven Ways to Make Your Blog More Attractive We usually neglect small things in our blogs. Sometimes those small changes can bring us massive results.  Successful blogging  requires  right Blogging tools  and efforts to stand out, but with the blog marketing space growing so crowded it can be very difficult to select the right platforms to stand out from the crowd. Now, like every person, the blog has their own personality, which is visible in the form of content, design, and elements on your blog. You can easily distinguish between a blog that is maintained professionally and a blog by  newbie blogger . So, how about we enhance the personality of our blog and give a great impression to readers. There are many things which we can do to  make our blog attractive  and I’m sure you must have planned many things for your next blog redesign.  Everyone wants to make their own blogs look better and attractive. To do that right, r...